Like a salmon swimming upstream

Oh dear…

This news will come as a blow to those of you who are actively and emotional engaged in the journey toward the publication of Leaves of Love, stories for ageing and dying well – to whom I owe so much.

Recently I have been thoroughly over excited as it was suggested there might be outside funding available for a project such as mine. With heart racing and the end in sight, I laid the Creative Scotland Guide to Project Funding on the table. Scanning it carefully all seemed very positive. Then came the ‘ projects we do not support’ list. It seems self-publishing is one of them.

Unfortunately, even though Unbound is a very reputable publishing house, what I am attempting is still considered ‘self-publishing.’

An unmitigated heartbreak!

It is clear there are no short cuts to raise this last 2K. However, like a salmon swimming upstream to lay her eggs, I am equally committed and will just have to continue jumping the rapids and laying myself bare to the kindness, good will and generosity of you my friends, family and wonderful public.
Already overwhelmed by the support of strangers – I continue to be immensely grateful for every penny raised and the extraordinary encouragement of those around me. Thank you everyone. We WILL get there… the shining eggs will be laid and people the world over will benefit from the stories in Leaves of Love. Your help is precious beyond measure.

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Mother and grandmother, Lucy lives on the long wild coastline of East Lothian